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Principle Of Blood Cell Analyzer
MED-LINKET CORP | Updated: Oct 24, 2016

Since 1956 United States re count particles by scientist Kurt's patented technology applied to a blood cell count a success. After more than 50 years, with the rapid advances in medical technology, principle of blood cell Analyzer for fast development, many improvements on the original Foundation, made this automatic blood cell Analyzer.
Kurt principle is based on the non-conduction properties of blood cells, electrolyte suspended in blood cell count through small holes caused by resistance change detection based on blood cell counts and volume determination.
Granulosa cells suspended in electrolyte, electrolyte tube through a small hole, and substitute the same volume of electrolyte, leading to small holes in the constant current circuit instantaneous changes in resistance between Canal and two electrodes which produced potential pulses. The size and number of pulses is proportional to the size and number of particles.


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